Export Data - Orders by country

2 votes

Easy Exporting of Total Order Values per country, eg working out Brexit and other OverSeas stats , Only need to select the minimum required "Country" only check box .

When Exporting Data on orders, using there are is peculiarity, if the Customer selects "same address" as billing then the "Shipping Data" is not Displayed.

Also another Glitch is that is Defaults the country to "United Kingdom" even if over seas shipping has happened.

To work around one has to either select "ALL" Order data or the checked minimum below (see image) as prerequisites - populate the information for Shipping Country ...other wise export data may be inaccurate.

Request simpler fix so can just select country checkbox only ( not all other address info) to get value of Orders per country.

Under consideration ImportExportSystem Suggested by: Doug Upvoted: 09 Feb, '21 Comments: 0

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