Correct Stock across Variants shown as total in Advanced Inventory Manager

6 votes

Currently, we have "Allow Purchases" set to allow customers to buy hidden products.

However, this allows them to buy only if they have a link. Therefore, we can control who buys a product by invitation only.

However, it is easy to oversell products that you no longer have in stock (on the fact of it) because the total sum of all products under a variant does not propagate on the AIM default screen. It only displays the quantities of the default variant.

It would be more useful if the Advanced Inventory Manager showed the total of all the variants in stock so that way we can know not to hide the product.

We've been making sales on items we no longer have because they've sold out on other channels and we have forgotten to zero them out because the AIM already shows there are none in stock (but only because the default variant is out of stock and hidden variants have not been zeroed out).

Useful you cannot afford to spend £180 a month on Linnworks or some other overpriced aggregator

Done Features Suggested by: Roger Widdowson Upvoted: 30 Apr, '22 Comments: 1

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