Refunds to be a column on Import/Export rather than a line.

3 votes

At present the refund action on an order will be processed as it's own item line when exporting sales information. Whilst this is viewable when exporting as multi-line format, when running a single line format this information is lost.

If the refund value was shown as a column rather than a line, this would allow the refund to be viewable in a single line format export as well. Resulting in a much easier way of processing the data. Especially, if like us you have large item quantity orders which result in huge exports of data which aren't necessarily required. Whilst you can interrogate the data down it does become a bit cumbersome and drastically increases the work involved and all to find those handful of orders that had a partial or full refund.

Under consideration ImportExportSystem Suggested by: Mark Upvoted: 16 Mar, '21 Comments: 0

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