Improvements to Customer Management - Ability to Ban / Bar / Blacklist an emaill address or domain.

9 votes

Many situations can cause nuisance orders, be it from an individual or an organisation. Presently only IP can be blocked which can be an issue if it is shared. Also people can change IIPs so not a great control.

Please can we have an ability to Ban / Bar / Blacklist an email address or domain. This would not be tied to an individual / customer record (to avoid possible GDPR concerns) and merely a blacklist that prevents certain domains and their resources making orders.

Already done by EKM as some countries already bared. But need more granularity so can do wildcard or type eg .gov.?? .com.?? .co.?? .org.?? 3rd level to Organisation. Company Domain name down to individual email addresses.

Under consideration Orders Suggested by: Doug Upvoted: 15 Nov, '23 Comments: 1

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