Improvements to EKM Email Marketing - Checkout Message

9 votes

Present message does not sound Formal. Even mentioning word "SPAM" can be considered off-putting as negative prompt trigger word. ALSO it does not specify the word NEWSLETTER.

NEWSLETTERS can be real world paper, not just EMAIL

"Would you like updates and offers by email?
You can unsubscribe whenever you like and we will never spam you."

Also not consistent, Please can we either:

1) Be able to customise a message ( similar as with POP-UP) ; or
2) If we cannot customise. ( as Site wide) Please can we go with something more formal. Such as:

"Sign Up to our Newsletter for Exclusive News & Offers. Once subscribed you can unsubscribe at any point using a link in the subsequent newsletter/emails."

This is different to, but also needs clarity/addressing other email Message issue:

Under consideration EKMEmailMarketing Suggested by: Doug Upvoted: 30 Nov, '23 Comments: 1

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