Ability to add more product images and videos
Having only 5 images displayed is not always enough, especially with the products I provide because manufacturers provide a whole variety of images showing views of a product from the front, sides, back and angles plus close ups, images of the deluxe packaging/box, additional extras like accessories, light features and more.
Having the ability to add up to say a maximum of 12 or 20 would greatly help.
Images could be shown as usual below the main image or even have a scroller below the main image so you can scroll through a selection.
Also, when clicking the main image so you have the pop up window showing the image in the center of the screen, make these images larger.
(Image attached as example)
Comments: 17
01 Nov, '18
Moderator AdminIt would be good if as well as images you could also add videos
01 Nov, '18
Laura (SuffolkParlour)I use eBay integration to post my listings to our ekm site, so having the ability to upload all 12 photos from eBay would be a big improvement for me, I agree 5 is just not enough for customers buying high value items who want to see a lot of detail.
05 Nov, '18
Steve JarvisThe comment above about adding videos, this can already done by adding videos in the product description area however, video cannot be added to the photos section which could be useful.
05 Nov, '18
Dorothy Clinch Mergedlike to be able to put more photos on products
06 Nov, '18
Admin"More photos" (suggested by Dorothy Clinch on 2018-11-05), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
12 Nov, '18
Bob EvansA way to add alt tags would be useful for SEO too
11 Dec, '18
Steve Jarvis MergedShould merge this with my suggestion already posted near the top of the list of requests which currently has 45 votes and surprised this hasn't gone way higher.
Asked about having the ability to add more photos probably way over a year ago. -
22 Jan, '19
Nick Stansfield Admin"Allow videos and photos on products" (suggested by Antony on 2018-11-01), including upvotes (10) and comments (1), was merged into this suggestion.
22 Jan, '19
Nick Stansfield Admin"Video Upload" (suggested by Hamzah Ahmed on 2018-10-26), including upvotes (6) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
28 Feb, '19
Steve JarvisThis is fantastic news to hear that this required update is now being planned.
Everyone will be overjoyed! -
03 May, '19
Claire SimpsonIt would be really useful to add more than 5 images as this is not enough to show your products and the uses etc, it needs to be able to show the product at its full potential to be able to sell effectively.
03 May, '19
KateWe could do with more than five pictures to show off our products.
16 Sept, '19
barry clarkyes, have also noticed 360 vids on some sites
13 Oct, '19
justinI would like to be able to add more then five photos / images on my web site and to have the a photo editor like we had before year or so ago , this would help speed up adding photos to ever ones web site
18 Oct, '19
StephHas there been any progress on this? Particularly adding more than 5 images - This would be really useful for us.
15 Jan, '20
Kye EthertonThere's no real reason to have an artificially enforced limit, the code is unlikely to care and someone had to code the limit in.
Should be easy to increase the number! -
04 Feb, '20
AlanAble to add a short video as well as images would be fab, I do it at the moment by loading up to YouTube and linking it through,
But to takes so long