Drag and Drop items on category page (moving product positions)
Right now we can only use left, right, first and last. We should have the option to drag and drop as it's more efficient.
Comments: 19
31 Oct, '18
DavidWould be a great feature to have drag and drop in the category page so you can arrange the products, instead of having to move them one at a time, left 1,2,3,4,5,6 etc.
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20 Nov, '18
rick Paris MergedIts to time consuming rearranging items in catagories with the pointy arrow thing
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22 Nov, '18
Admin"Drop and drag feature" (suggested by rick Paris on 2018-11-20), including upvotes (3) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
23 Nov, '18
TomThis would save a lot of time, the current placing system is extremely slow and time consuming. It also unfortunately appears to reset and change on its own. So after spending hours trying to create a solid customer journey the system will move the items randomly.
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27 Nov, '18
Steve MosleyThumbs up to this
05 Dec, '18
dev farmahWould benefit our product listing a lot. Great idea
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10 Jun, '20
Jodie RobinsYes! it is so time consuming using the left, down etc
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11 Sept, '20
CallumThis would save a lot of time
12 Jan, '21
Derwent WalshIt would be nice just to have the left right feature working again. Our new listings are all over the place since it broke
26 Jan, '21
ChrisAnother vote for this. I'm in the middle of reordering some pages and it is such a drag.
Being able to drag and drop in the Advanced Inventory Manager would be great. The easiest way i've found (at the moment) is to decide what order they should be and then send the last one to be first, then the next to last etc. But it is still very time consuming. Took me over half an hour to reorder a page to my liking yesterday. -
09 Feb, '21
Eve Bolan Admin"Moving products" (suggested by Hollie Allan on 2021-02-04), including upvotes (2) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
26 Mar, '21
mikeyip, agree
23 Apr, '21
Sharon NormanI would prefer it to make price low to high as standard.
25 May, '21
Eve Bolan Admin"Interactive product organising" (suggested by Rob on 2021-05-18), including upvotes (2) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
14 Dec, '21
Tom MergedThe current method of edit, position and the left or right is very long winded if you want to move the product quite a lot. Would be better if you could go into edit mode and just drag and drop where you want the item. Also could have a number entry so move product to position 3.
21 Dec, '21
Eve Bolan Admin"Drag and drop arrange products on category pages" (suggested by Tom on 2021-12-14), including upvotes (2) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
11 Jan, '22
CandiceWould absolutely LOVE this!!!!!
25 Jan, '23
Stephen HewittThis would be very very useful for me
12 Jun, '24
Eve Bolan AdminYou can change the order of products with Categories using the Inventory Manager feature. The guide you'll need to follow is here: https://support.ekm.com/support/solutions/articles/44002272934 :)