Add the sitemap link to the robots.txt

4 votes

Adding a sitemap link to your robots.txt file has several advantages:

Improved Crawling: By providing a sitemap link in the robots.txt file, you are making it easier for search engine bots to find and crawl your website's pages. This can help ensure that all pages on your website are indexed and ranked appropriately.

Better Indexing: A sitemap file provides a comprehensive list of all the pages on your website, including those that may not be easily discoverable by search engine bots. By including a sitemap in your robots.txt file, you are ensuring that all pages are indexed, which can improve your website's visibility in search engine results pages.

Faster Indexing: When you add a sitemap link to your robots.txt file, search engines can quickly identify and crawl new pages or changes to your website. This can help to speed up the indexing process, which is beneficial for websites with frequent updates or new content.

Under consideration GoogleTools Suggested by: Rebecca Upvoted: 09 Apr Comments: 0

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