Customise Account Creation Page

10 votes

It wold be good if we could add questions to our account creation page.

We would like to add the option to sign up to the mailing list at this point, customers creating an account are much more likely to sign up and as there is not currently a suitable way to do this through the checkout process, it will avoid us missing this opportunity. Also we would like to gather data on how the customer found our website - we currently ask this at checkout but a. the checkout process is already too long so would be beneficial to remove some fields and b. we are getting duplicate data as most of our customers are regular repeat customers.

It would also be helpful for many to ask questions that are relevant to their business - ie. are you a reseller - we could then ensure this customer receives white label products instead of asking them this every time at checkout.

Under consideration Features Suggested by: Rachel Upvoted: 01 Sept, '23 Comments: 2

Comments: 2